Diageo announces open invitation call to improve water use across its supply chain

Diageo, the British-founded multinational alcoholic beverage company, has today announced an open invitation call until the 20th of March 2024 to enhance water use across its supply chain. The company is seeking five innovations to reduce and more effectively manage water usage throughout Diageo’s global supply chain. Areas for improvement include water efficiency in operations, […]

Diageo steps closer to its 2030 ESG targets with investment into glass industry decarbonisation in North America and India

Diageo, the multinational whisky and spirit distributor, has announced the provision of seed funding for the not-for-profit research and technology organisation Glass Futures Limited, enabling them to expand their activities into North America and India. Glass Futures Limited is currently investigating the best method to decarbonise the glass industry, and this new funding will allow […]

Scientists Create Method to Generate Green Energy from Distillation

Team of scientists have discovered a way of using whisky distillation to generate sustainable green energy whilst decreasing fresh water footprint of the distillation process...

Scientists based at Heriot-Watt University announce their creation of a method that could not only decrease the associated waste production of distillation but also reduce the freshwater footprint used during hydrogen energy production. This could offer a sustainable, clean method for producing green energy and distilling whisky. It’s estimated that collectively the world’s distilleries create […]

Diageo rolls out regenerative agriculture scheme in Scotland

A programme aimed at reducing carbon emissions from farming Scotch whisky is set to initially be rolled out across approximately 20 farms.

A programme aimed at reducing carbon emissions from farming Scotch whisky is set to initially be rolled out across approximately 20 farms that produce barley and wheat for Diageo’s Scottish brands, including Johnnie Walker, Talisker, and The Singleton. The programme is aimed at reducing carbon emissions across Diageo-managed farms and will extend to its network […]